
Thank You So Much!

I am so grateful for the Everlasting Arms around me embodied in the loving actions of so many dear people. Sending each of you so much love and gratitude, especially for the prayers you pray for my handsome Austrian and me. #grateful #soblessed

  • (Listed with most recent at the top.)
  • I have gotten behind on posting these and so I have missed a lot of amazing gifts from people we love very much. I’m so sorry!
  • More anonymously given cash from the amazing folks at Waynesboro Mennonite Church, what a blessing! Thank you!
  • My Dad rented a beach house in Nag’s Head, NC and invited me to join him there. We put together puzzles while chatting about all sorts of things. He took me to his favorite seafood places and we feasted! He even cooked for me, and he’s a good cook! While there I finished up my research paper for class. It was such a blessing to be there with him!
  • More anonymously given cash from the amazing folks at Waynesboro Mennonite Church, what a blessing this church is to us! We attend via Zoom at this point because of the risks when my immune system is particularly low, but we miss everyone and are so grateful for the ways they support and care for us.
  • Dinner and flowers from Dad, what a blessing he is!
  • Such a beautiful card and thoughtful gift from Richard and Gloria. Thank you two so much!
  • A thoughtful gift from Marvin Weston which I think might be used to purchase some chemo hat, wig, or scarf kind of thing. What a blessing! Thanks Marvin!
  • I have gotten all sorts of kind and encouraging messages from dear people. I am so grateful for each of you! I had no idea I had so many beautiful souls as friends. Really, this is the weird unexpected blessing of this diagnosis. People who have been through challenges sometimes flow in an incredible level of compassion!
  • Anonymously given cash from people at church, you all are my miracle! I go to Waynesboro Mennonite Church and am so grateful for the family that we’ve found there!
  • Sharon Norris brought me a box of casual soft hats – many of them perfect for chemo caps! I am thrilled! Especially since I started to realize the common prices on this sort of thing – a whole box of them given as a gift is a beautiful thing! #bringhatsbackintofashion #chemocaps
  • Kendra Gehmen was my chauffer for a bloodwork appointment. Again, car conversations are The. Best! #greatcloudofwitnesses
  • Beth Good was my chauffer for a bloodwork appointment. I think car conversations are the best ones, don’t you agree? Such a blessing!
  • Clayton Shenk took me to breakfast and then took me home from a bloodwork appointment. I do love hanging out with my dad! Thanks Pops!
  • Jeanette Hershey sent a package of camisoles with built in bras. I was complaining about how much I hate bras and she mentioned that she’s found an alternative she likes, so she sent me a selection of them in my favorite colors. The arrived so fast that it felt pretty spooky! What a thoughtful gift!!
  • Jessica J Murray made a pair of pink earrings with breast cancer awareness ribbons on them and sent them my way. I have other earrings she’s made and was delighted with her gift! I wear them every chance I get! Visit her website to see the work she does and then pick up a pair for yourself and for a friend! Tell her I sent you!
  • Clayton Shenk gave us a gift that made it possible to purchase a recliner that I use every single day. It’s a fancy one so I can get comfy no matter how icky I might be feeling at any given moment. As it happens, its very much like the one he purchased for Mom in her hospice journey last year, only a different fabric color. It’s funny because I said I’d never have one of these in my house, but it’s exactly the right thing right now! #sograteful